Being able to ensure your bills are correct and your usage is in control is very important to ensure you energy costs are minimized. Dukefield Energy provide you with the tools, insight and support to manage this for you. As part of our wider Added Value supporting services for customers, Dukefield Energy check many key energy metrics, this helps to identify both cost discrepancies and elevated usage patterns.
Bill Validation.
With budgets being tighter than ever for many of our customers, particularly those in the public sector, ensuring you are not overpaying for your utility bills is increasingly important. Our bill validation service analyses your energy invoices and checks for any errors, i.e. consumption, contract rates, VAT rates (if eligible for reductions) and industry charges (if not on a fully fixed contract). This free added value service we provide will give you peace of mind that you are only paying for what you have used.
Energy Monitoring & Reporting.
Supported by our Bill validation service we check for estimated and actual reads. We can summarise usage and other key metrics for customers and provide graphical analysis to aid energy management.
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Metrics include kWh Usage, Cost and Tonnes of Carbon at both Site Level and at Group Level on a rolling, aggregated basis. This Graphical Analysis will help support site by site bench marking and identify consumption patterns and times when usage is higher than expected. With an investigation and understanding on site of the causes of this it may lead to action that results in energy reduction.