Energy Management Services

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Manage energy waste, cut your energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Dukefield Energy can support you with a short and long term strategy to help you achieve your carbon reduction and energy saving goals. If you’re in the early stages of thinking about how you can make improvements, the team can advise on where to start and any potential funding options available.

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Part of the wider Supply and Energy Management Services Framework, there are four Lots:

Lot 4 - Energy Efficiency Solutions

LED lighting is ideal for carbon reduction and long-term cost savings. LED bulbs use less electricity, are longer lasting, provide improved brightness and are eco-friendly.

Lot 5 - Onsite Generation - Solar Photovoltaics

Solar electricity panels also known as photovoltaics (PV) capture the sun’s energy and transfer it into power, enabling you to generate your own renewable electricity. Contrary to popular belief the sun doesn’t need to be shining for power to be generated.

Lot 6 - Onsite Generation - Heat Pumps

Air-Source-Heat Pumps and Ground-Sourced-Heat Pumps can replace or boost existing fossil fuel heating systems to provide space heating in buildings.

Lot 7 - Supply of Metering Services and Building Energy Management Software

Using smart technologies can help to make your building fully-connected, sustainable and more economically viable long term.

For more information about the framework, please contact the Help Desk:


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0345 4022 461

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Find us

Parkside House, 167 Chorley New Road,
Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 4RA

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